July Community Service Award

This month the Hancock Partners & Hancock Area Chamber of Commerce have announced a new program to highlight and call out community service through a monthly social media campaign. We hope these efforts with support and enhance local business and improve the Hancock community by working to showcase those within the community doing good deeds.

Last Friday, and for many months now, the community gathered together to support our small businesses and local shops, for an exciting new First Fridays event. These events will take take place on the First Friday of each month from 5-8pm, and each shop offers unique deals, demos, food and entertainment while shopping!

We at Hancock Partners & the Hancock Area Chamber of Commerce are very proud of this group of hardworking and dedicated shops and their grassroots efforts to kickstart foot traffic. We thank you, and believe in your efforts. Many of us can see and feel the the impact it is having on the local economy, tourism, and general excitement in the Town of Hancock.

Special thanks to the participating shops: Kaybirds, All Sorts, The Treasure Chest, Hancock Liquor Store, The Camptons Art Gallery, Nightshade on Elm, Parkalbaum’s Emporium, Uncle Brother, and especially Trout Brook Studio’s new art exhibit by our very own Lars Haga!
